Thinking highly of the role of the physical culture in students " mental and physical development , and the role of aesthetic education in the formation of their noble ideology , cai also gave a thorough exposition of the contents and principles in middle schools " physical culture and put forward valuable suggestions that teachers should have abundant professional knowledge , good teaching techniques and noble morals ; teaching should follow the students " natural instincts and be conducted in accordance with their aptitude ; and students should , under the guidance of , the teachers study independently and act in a perseverant manner ; learn to review , think and summarize , and put what they ' ve learnt into practice 这三个方面同教育教学又有着直接的关系,只有有了丰富的专业知识,才可能在教学中做到详细续密;只有掌握了熟练的教学技巧,才能在教育教学中遵循教育规律和学生的天性,因材施教:而具备了高尚的思想品德,才能以身作则,使学生在日复一日的熏陶中潜移默化地养成高尚的人格。当中学生面临日益繁多的学习任务和书籍时,也应该掌握科学的学习方法,学会取舍,在老师引导的基础上坚持以自学为主,掌握科学的学习方法,善于提出问题,学会预习、复习、思考和总结,不要读死书,要注意与实践相结合,持之以恒,才能取得良好的学习效果。