
give a thorough exposition中文什么意思

发音:   用"give a thorough exposition"造句
  • 讲得透彻
  • give:    vt. (gave; given; giving) 1. ...
  • thorough:    adj. 1.彻底的,全面的,充分的,彻头彻尾的,根本的 ...
  • exposition:    n. 1.解释,注释;解说,说明。 2.展览,陈列;展览 ...
  • give the room a thorough cleaning:    把这房间好好儿打扫一下
  • exposition:    n. 1.解释,注释;解说,说明。 2.展览,陈列;展览会,博览会。 3.暴露,曝光。 4.【戏剧】展示部分〔阐明情节、人物等〕。 5.【音乐】呈示部。
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  1. Thinking highly of the role of the physical culture in students " mental and physical development , and the role of aesthetic education in the formation of their noble ideology , cai also gave a thorough exposition of the contents and principles in middle schools " physical culture and put forward valuable suggestions that teachers should have abundant professional knowledge , good teaching techniques and noble morals ; teaching should follow the students " natural instincts and be conducted in accordance with their aptitude ; and students should , under the guidance of , the teachers study independently and act in a perseverant manner ; learn to review , think and summarize , and put what they ' ve learnt into practice



  1. give a talk on 什么意思
  2. give a talk, give a lecture 什么意思
  3. give a taste 什么意思
  4. give a tea party 什么意思
  5. give a test 什么意思
  6. give a tug 什么意思
  7. give a very good performance 什么意思
  8. give a view of 什么意思
  9. give a vigorous boost to 什么意思
  10. give a vivid description of the concert 什么意思


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